Commerce & Management Quarterly
Aims & Scope
Commerce & Management Quarterly (CMQ) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice in the fields of business and management. Our scope encompasses a broad range of topics, including but not limited to production management, marketing management, human resources management, financial management, and information management. We aim to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to share research findings, explore theoretical advancements, and discuss practical solutions to business and management challenges. In addition to original research articles, we welcome submissions of case studies that provide insights into real-world applications of business and management principles. Our journal seeks to engage a diverse international audience, encouraging contributions that offer significant theoretical and practical implications to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of business practices worldwide.

Table of Contents
  1. Website
  2. Name of Journal
  3. Peer Review Process
  4. Ownership and Management
  5. Governing Body
  6. Governing Body / Editorial Team and Contact Information
  7. Copyright and Licensing
  8. Author Fees
  9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct
  10. Publication Ethics
  11. Publishing Schedule
  12. Access
  13. Archiving
  14. Revenues Sources
  15. Advertising
  16. Direct Marketing

1. Website
The CMQ journal is owned and managed by the Chinese Association of Business and Management (CAMBT) and the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. The official website for our journal is located at https://www.cabmt.org.tw/front/index.php. Our team is committed to maintaining a high-quality website. We ensure that the website upholds stringent ethical and professional standards and is free from misleading content or any attempts to imitate the websites of other journals or publishers.
2. Name of Journal
The formal name of the journal is Commerce & Management Quarterly (CMQ).
3. Peer Review Process
  • All academic papers related to management topics that has not been published in other academic journals are eligible to be published in the Commerce & Management Quarterly. Manuscripts that have been submitted to other journals and are currently under review and published papers should not be submitted to the Journal.
  • All manuscripts are submitted online. At the homepage of the Commerce & Management Quarterly (https://www.cabmt.org.tw/front/cmquarterly.php?indexable=1).
 Peer-Review Process
  • When submitting the manuscript, the author should include a cover letter, the manuscript file, and any supporting documents (e.g., submission fee receipt).
  • The submission will be evaluated by area editor and two anonymous reviewers.
  • Authors are required to revise the manuscript within two months after being notified of the required revisions; otherwise, the manuscript may be rejected without further notice.
  • Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and categorized as follows: Accept, Major Revision, Minor Revision, and Reject.
  • The editorial committee has the right to revise the manuscript without the authors’ consent, unless the revision substantially affects the original content.
  • Manuscript Preparation
  • Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author who outlines the significance of the findings of the paper. The cover page of submitted manuscripts must include the following information. Please do not include the author's name anywhere outside the cover page.
    • Chinese and English titles
    • Author’s English job title and affiliation
    • Correspondence address
    • Telephone number
    • Email address
  • Submitted manuscripts should be written in the following order: Chinese and English titles, Chinese and English abstracts, Chinese and English key words, main text, reference, and appendixes.
  • Submitted manuscript should not exceed 15 pages (including title, Chinese and English abstracts, key words, tables, figures, works cited, appendixes, etc.). 
  • Submitted manuscript must include a Chinese abstract of 500 characters or less and an English abstract of 300 words or less, and a maximum of five key words.
  • Place the figure title and notes below the figure, and the table title above the table with the notes below.
  • Citation and reference should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines.
4. Ownership and Management
Ownership of this journal is held by the Chinese Association of Business and Management and the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, which can be found online at https://www.cabmt.org.tw/front/index.php.

5. Governing Body
The journal is governed by its editorial board. Detailed information about the editors and the journal management team, including their full names and affiliations, along with contact information for the editorial office are available under the '6. Editorial Team and Contact Information' section on the journal's homepage.

6.Editorial Team and Contact Information
Kuei-Kuei Lai Chinese Association of Business & Management Technology President
Jao-Hong Cheng National Yunlin University of Science & Technology Dean, College of Management 
and Distinguished Professor
Chief Editor    
Chwo-Ming Yu Chang Gung University Professor
 Editorial Board    
Kwo-Ting Fang National Yunlin University of Science & Technology Vice President of Yuntech
and Professor
Tswen-Gwo Wang National Central University Professor
Hung-Chang Chiu Institute of Materials Science Professor
Ying-Chin Ho National Central University Professor
Jih-Hsin Sher Feng Chia University Chair Professor
Sou-Shan Wu National Taiwan Normal University Chair Professor
Shih-Wei Chou National Kaohsiung University of Science & Technology Distinguished Professor
Shih-Kuei Lin National Chengchi University Professor
Bou-Wen Lin National Taiwan University Professor
Chen-Lung Chin National Chengchi University Professor
Yun Ken National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Director and Professor
Pei-Gi Shu Fu Jen Catholic University Distinguished Professor
Ho-Min Chen National Taiwan University Professor
Yu-Shan Chen National Taipei University Dean, College of Business
and Distinguished Professor
Houn-Gee Chen Tunghai University Dean, College of Management
and Chair Professor
Tzu-Ju Peng National Chengchi University Professor
Ming-Chang Huang National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Deputy Chairman of B.A.
and Professor
Wei-Chi Tsai National Chengchi University Vice President of NCCU
and Professor
Shih-Ping Yan Guangxi University Dean, College of Business
and Professor
Industrial Consultants    
Jian-Rong Wang Feng Tay Enterprise. Co., Ltd. Vice Chairman
Rong-Hua Chen Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd Chairman
Wei-Siang Huang WPG Holdings Limited Chairman
Executive Editor    
Shang-Ping Lin National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Professor
Jen-Shou Yang National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Professor
Tsung-Yu Hsieh National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Associate Professor
Wan-Chien Lien National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Editorial office    
  123 University Road, Section 3, Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  Tel:+886-5-534-2601 ext 5008
  E-mail: bmt.cmq@gmail.com

7. Copyright and Licensing
Copyright for all published content is held by the Chinese Association of Business and Management and the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. Authors are required to consent to a copyright transfer as part of the submission process. CMQ operates as an open access journal, with articles being freely distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0). This license allows for unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the original work is correctly attributed. For academic or educational use, such as including CMQ's tables or figures in other journals, books, or media, no permission request is needed from the publisher. All journal content is available immediately upon publication, with no embargo period.

8. Author Fees 
  • Submission fees. A registration fee of NT$1,000 is charged for each submission. Payment should be made via postal giro transfer to account number: 22591561, under the name: 中華商管科技學會.
  • Publication fees. For manuscripts accepted for publication, a publication fee of NT$3,000 will be charged for articles up to 15 pages. An additional NT$200 will be charged for each extra page. The journal does not provide remuneration for published articles. Upon publication, the author(s) will receive one copy of the journal issue and 10 reprints of the article.
9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct
Our journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and rigor in scientific research. In alignment with the ethical guidelines endorsed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE;  http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts), our editorial team undertakes diligent measures to screen and review all submitted manuscripts for adherence to ethical research practices.

(1)Preventive Measures
We conduct thorough initial screenings to detect any possible instances of research misconduct, including but not limited to plagiarism, citation manipulation, and the falsification or fabrication of data. Our commitment ensures that misconduct does not undermine the articles we publish.

(2) Detection and Response
Upon encountering submissions that potentially breach ethical guidelines, our process involves a detailed investigation led by our editorial board. If a case of misconduct is suspected, whether reported post-publication or identified during the review process, we adhere to the procedural flowchart provided by COPE for managing such cases, available at COPE's flowcharts (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).

(3) Editorial Board Responsibilities
Our editorial board is tasked with the responsibility of deliberating over the investigated cases and making informed decisions on the course of action. This may include the publication of errata, corrigenda, clarifications, retractions, and issuing apologies where necessary.

(4) Transparency and Accountability
We maintain a transparent record of all proceedings concerning allegations of misconduct and ensure that our processes are accessible and understandable to both our contributors and readers. This fosters a culture of accountability and continuous improvement in our publication practices.
Through these meticulous processes, our journal aims to contribute to the integrity of scientific publications and uphold the trust placed in us by our community of researchers and readers.

10. Publication Ethics
Our journal strictly adheres to internationally recognized guidelines and standards for publication ethics as outlined by leading professional bodies including the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; https://publicationethics.org/) and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (https://doaj.org/bestpractice). We commit to following COPE’s flowcharts for addressing instances of research and publication misconduct. The following is comprehensive information on our publishing ethics.

10.1 Authors' Responsibilities

(1)Ethical Standards
Authors must ensure that their manuscripts are written in accordance with the highest ethical standards. They should avoid any form of plagiarism, data falsification, and unethical research practices.
(2)Originality and Acknowledgment of Sources
All submissions must be original works by the authors. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must be given where applicable. Authors should also disclose any conflicts of interest.
(3)Data Transparency and Accessibility
Authors should be prepared to provide access to data supporting their findings, subject to privacy and confidentiality constraints. They should ensure that their research data is robust, and capable of being replicated in independent analyses.
(4)Authorship Criteria
Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.
(5)Corrections and Retractions
If authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work, they have a responsibility to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with them to correct or retract the paper.
(6)Fair Play and Impartiality
Authors should conduct their research impartially and objectively. Reviews and articles should be written and submitted in good faith and not for the purpose of any form of personal or professional gain.
(7)Engagement with the Peer Review Process
Authors are expected to engage constructively with the peer review process, responding promptly and respectfully to comments and suggestions from reviewers.

10.2 Editors' Responsibilities

(1)Ethical Oversight
Editors must ensure that all articles undergo a fair, unbiased, and rigorous peer review process and that the confidentiality of the manuscript is maintained throughout. They should also handle all submissions ethically and with integrity, without allowing personal or commercial interests to compromise intellectual and ethical standards.
(2)Decision Making
Editors are responsible for making editorial decisions on submitted manuscripts based solely on the paper's relevance, originality, clarity, and alignment with the journal's scope. They must also ensure that each manuscript receives a thorough evaluation by qualified reviewers.
(3)Conflict of Interest
Editors should avoid any potential conflict of interest by disclosing any relationships that could influence their editorial decisions. They must recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where they might have conflicts of interest with any of the authors or institutions connected to the papers.
(4)Engagement with Peer Review Process
Editors should guide the peer review process constructively and transparently, selecting appropriate reviewers and ensuring timely review feedback.
(5)Quality Control
Editors should work to maintain the quality of the publications by overseeing the review process and ensuring adherence to academic and publishing standards.
The process by which decisions are made should be clear and available to both authors and reviewers.

10.3 Reviewers' Responsibilities
(1)Ethical Conduct
Reviewers should conduct their reviews impartially and objectively. They are expected to maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts they review and should not share any information about the manuscript with outside parties.
(2)Constructive Criticism
It is important for reviewers to provide constructive feedback that is both fair and courteous. They should clearly explain their assessments, including both strengths and weaknesses, and suggest improvements in  a supportive manner.
(3)Disclosure of Conflicts
Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editors. If a substantial conflict exists, it is advisable for them to decline the review assignment.
Reviewers should complete their reviews within the specified timeline provided by the journal. If they anticipate delays, they should notify the editor as soon as possible and may suggest alternative reviewers if unable to commit.
Reviewers should accept assignments only for manuscripts for which they have the subject expertise  required to carry out a proper assessment. They should decline to review manuscripts beyond their expertise.
(6)Integrity and Impartiality
Decisions should be based solely on the manuscript's scientific merit, relevance, and originality, without influence from the authors' race, nationality, or other personal characteristics.

10.4 Conflict of Interest Disclosure
The corresponding author is required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that might affect the interpretation of the data, such as financial, political, or academic influences. It is imperative that all funding sources are explicitly disclosed.

10.5 Originality and Plagiarism
Manuscripts must be original, not previously published, nor under consideration elsewhere. Any part of the accepted manuscript must not be published elsewhere without the explicit permission of the Editorial Board. We conduct plagiarism checks on all submissions. Detected plagiarism or duplicate publication may lead to rejection, public notification, and penalties.

10.6 Managing Misconduct
In cases of suspected misconduct (e.g., duplicate publication, plagiarism, data falsification, undisclosed conflicts of interest), our procedures align with COPE’s guidelines (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). The Editorial Board will review and decide on these cases.

10.7 Procedures for Handling Complaints and Appeals:
CMQ will manage complaints and appeals according to steps that adhere to the best practices outlined by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/).

(1)Initial Acknowledgment
Upon receiving a complaint or appeal, the journal should immediately acknowledge receipt and outline the expected timeline for a response. This step reassures the complainant that their issue is being processed.
Initially, the Editor-in-Chief or a designated editor should assess the complaint to gauge its severity and type. This evaluation may include preliminary talks with those involved or a review of pertinent documents and guidelines.
(3)In-depth Investigation
More complex or grave issues may warrant a comprehensive inquiry. This investigation could entail collecting additional evidence, consulting with internal or external experts, or adhering to investigative  steps recommended by ethical standards like those from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE;  http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).
(4)Decision Process
After the investigation, the Editor-in-Chief, along with senior editorial staff if necessary, should decide on the course of action. Options might include maintaining the initial decision, revising it, or seeking further opinions if the matter is not resolved.
The decision and its rationale should be clearly communicated to the complainant. If the decision is intricate, a detailed explanation will aid in clarifying the reasons for the outcome.
(6)Recording and Feedback
Documenting all complaints and appeals is crucial for enhancing the management of future incidents. It is also advisable to gather feedback from all stakeholders to refine and enhance the procedure.
The resolution of complaints should be prompt and communicated to all involved parties. If dissatisfaction persists, the complainant should be informed about how to escalate their issue, possibly to an external organization like COPE. 

10.8 Management of Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections
The procedures detailed here are established to ensure that our journal's handling of post-publication discussions and corrections meets the ethical guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics.
(COPE;  http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts)

(1)Corrections and Updates
Should any errors be discovered that might impact the interpretation or trustworthiness of a published article, our journal is committed to issuing necessary corrections or errata. This process includes the publication of a formal notice detailing the error and the amendments made, thereby safeguarding the integrity and precision of the research.
(2)Retractions and Expressions of Concern
For serious ethical violations or errors that significantly impair the integrity of the research, retracting the article may be required. If issues are still under investigation or remain unresolved, the journal may publish an expression of concern to inform readers about the ongoing issues.
(3)Engagement and Notification
It is crucial for the journal to maintain open communication with all stakeholders involved in a post-publication correction or retraction, including the authors, the readership, and the broader research community. This practice ensures transparency and maintains the publication's ethical standards.
(4)Documentation and Accessibility
All notices of corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern must be readily accessible and directly linked to the original article. This ensures that all changes are clearly documented and easy for readers to find, maintaining a transparent and accessible record.

10.9 Copyright Policy
All rights to materials published are held by the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology and the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. As part of the submission process, authors are required to assign copyright to the society.

10.10 Data Sharing Policy
CMQ promotes the sharing of data whenever feasible, except in cases where ethical, privacy, or confidentiality concerns prohibit it. Authors are encouraged to store their research data in a publicly available repository and provide a link to the DOI in the manuscript text.
11. Publishing Schedule
CMQ is issued quarterly, with editions released on the final day of March, June, September, and December each year.

12. Access
CMQ operates as an open-access publication. All articles are available for unlimited non-commercial sharing, distribution, and reproduction in any format, provided the original authorship is appropriately acknowledged.

13. Archiving
Commerce & Management Quarterly ensures the preservation and continued accessibility of its journal content through electronic archiving. Should the journal cease publication, archived issues will be available via the National Central Library of Taiwan (https://enwww.ncl.edu.tw/), the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library (https://www.lib.yuntech.edu.tw/wSite/mp), the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (https://www.cm.yuntech.edu.tw/ ), and the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology (https://www.cabmt.org.tw/front/index.php).

14. Revenues Sources
The journal's revenue is derived from three main sources: support from the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, financial assistance from the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology, and author fees.

15. Advertising
CMQ does not accept any commercial product advertisements until policy changes otherwise.

16. Direct Marketing
The dissemination of the journal is achieved through its website. Typically, invitations to submit manuscripts are extended primarily to individuals presenting at conferences, seminars, or workshops, provided their topics align with the journal's aims and scope.
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